Sunday, 8 January 2017

Get Much More Than 15 GB Storage in Your Google Drive.

In this post I will explain how you can get more than 15 GB of storage in your google drive.

          1.       A Google Account (This is your Master Drive)
          2.       Many more Google Account (These are Child Drives)
                eg.   lazyr2@gmail.comm ......

Note:     Each account will give you additional 15 GB.

1.       Make as many Google account as you can. (As per your requirement of storage space).
2.       Make a folder in each drive with name Drive1, Drive2, drive3,...
3.       Share these folders with your ‘Master Drive’(


4.       Go to Master Drive, Open ‘shared with me’ from menu & right click on shared folder & choose 'Add to My Drive'.

5.       Hurrey.., now practically you have more than 15 GB Storage in ‘Master Drive’.
6.       Upload your files in any drive and just move it to shared folder & you can access it from ‘Master Drive’

Note: After making a Google account you may have to wait at most 24hr to share the folder with Master Account.